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Network Scanning with Nmap Using Termux

Network scanning is an essential activity for security professionals, network administrators, and penetration testers. One of the most powerful tool…

How to fix putty spam error message

When using PuTTY, you might sometimes encounter an error message that repeatedly appears in the terminal, often referred to as a "spam error mes…

Does crittall windows use PuTTY

What are Critall Windows? Critall Windows refer to a brand of steel-framed windows, known for their distinctive look and historical significance in…

How to use adb root on termux

Introduction to ADB and Termux What is ADB (Android Debug Bridge)? ADB (Android Debug Bridge) is a powerful command-line tool that allows you to…

How to Install Kali Linux in Termux

Installing Kali Linux in Termux is an exciting way to turn your Android device into a hacking machine or a penetration testing environment. Kali Lin…

Termux Quality of Life (QoL) Packages: A Comprehensive Guide to Installation and Usage

Termux is a powerful terminal emulator for Android, providing a Linux-like environment. While its flexibility and range of packages can turn any A…

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