Understanding Swift Macros: Freestanding and Attached Macros


In Swift, macros are an exciting and powerful feature that provide a new way to automate code generation and transformations at compile-time. Swift macros are designed to enable more flexibility in the way code is written and reused. They allow developers to write reusable code patterns, reduce boilerplate, and create more efficient APIs by transforming code before it even gets compiled.

In this guide, we'll delve into the world of Swift macros, specifically explaining the difference between freestanding macros and attached macros, how they work, how they can be used, and the implications for Swift developers. Along the way, we’ll explore real-world use cases, syntax, and best practices for working with both types of macros.

1. Introduction to Macros in Swift

Macros are a feature that allows Swift code to be manipulated at compile time, providing an opportunity for transformation and code generation before the code is actually compiled. Macros can be used to implement repetitive logic, generate new types of functionality, or even help with debugging and logging. They are commonly used to reduce boilerplate, enhance code readability, and introduce automation into the development workflow.

Swift macros are inspired by macros in other languages, such as C and Rust. However, Swift’s implementation of macros is more type-safe and integrates seamlessly with Swift's strong type system. They also help maintain Swift’s emphasis on clarity and safety, ensuring that code transformations remain predictable and error-free.

Swift's macros come in two primary forms: freestanding macros and attached macros. These macros are part of the new feature introduced in Swift 5.9, enabling the language to more effectively handle compile-time code generation.

2. Freestanding Macros

Freestanding macros in Swift are independent macros that are not tied to any specific declaration. They can be applied to different kinds of code structures, such as functions, types, and even whole blocks of code. A freestanding macro typically operates independently, transforming or generating code on its own, without the need to be attached to a specific part of a class or struct.

a. Defining a Freestanding Macro

A freestanding macro in Swift is defined using the # symbol followed by the name of the macro. This type of macro allows developers to create reusable pieces of code that can be applied wherever needed. Here's an example:

// Freestanding macro definition #macro logPrint(_ message: String) { print("Log: \(message)") } // Usage of the freestanding macro logPrint("This is a test message")

In the above code:

  • #macro logPrint is a freestanding macro definition.
  • The macro takes an input parameter (message), and the body of the macro generates code that prints a log message prefixed by "Log:".

When the code is compiled, the Swift compiler will transform the macro usage into the actual print statement during compile-time. This saves developers from having to repeatedly write print("Log: \(message)") throughout the codebase.

b. Use Cases for Freestanding Macros

Freestanding macros are particularly useful in the following scenarios:

  • Logging and Debugging: You can create macros for debugging purposes, such as logging variable values or tracing code execution.

    #macro debugLog(_ message: String) { print("Debug: \(message)") }
  • Code Generation: Generate repetitive code patterns such as boilerplate code, where you have similar code across different parts of your application.

    #macro generateEquatableFor<T: Equatable>(_ type: T) { func ==(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Bool { return lhs.value == rhs.value } }
  • Assertions and Preconditions: Similar to assert() or precondition(), you can create macros to simplify common assertions.

    #macro assertNotNil(_ value: Any?) { if value == nil { fatalError("Value cannot be nil") } }

Freestanding macros help to avoid repeating the same code and introduce a higher level of abstraction for commonly used patterns.

3. Attached Macros

Attached macros in Swift are closely tied to specific declarations such as classes, structs, functions, or even properties. Unlike freestanding macros, attached macros modify or extend the behavior of specific code elements, making them more specialized and closely linked to the structure of the code.

a. Defining an Attached Macro

Attached macros are typically used to augment or modify existing declarations. You can use an attached macro to alter the behavior of a function, a property, or even a type. Here is an example of defining and using an attached macro:

// Attached macro definition #macro @capitalizedString { return self.uppercased() } // Usage of the attached macro struct Name { @capitalizedString var value: String } var name = Name(value: "john") print(name.value) // Output: JOHN

In this example:

  • #macro @capitalizedString is an attached macro.
  • The @capitalizedString macro modifies the value property of the Name struct, ensuring that the value is always capitalized.

When the code is compiled, the attached macro transforms the property access, applying the desired behavior without requiring manual intervention in every instance where the property is used.

b. Use Cases for Attached Macros

Attached macros are more commonly used to modify the behavior of existing declarations. They are beneficial in scenarios where you need to alter the behavior of methods, properties, or types in a consistent and reusable way. Some common use cases include:

  • Custom Property Getters and Setters: Attached macros can be used to implement consistent getters and setters for properties.

    #macro @lowercaseString { return self.lowercased() }
  • Validation and Transformation: You can use attached macros to enforce validation logic for property values or apply transformations on properties before they're accessed.

    #macro @validateEmail { if !self.contains("@") { throw NSError(domain: "Invalid email", code: 400, userInfo: nil) } }
  • Methods and Function Behavior: You can attach macros to functions or methods to inject additional functionality, such as logging, timing, or caching.

    #macro @logExecutionTime { let startTime = Date() let result = try await self() let endTime = Date() print("Execution time: \(endTime.timeIntervalSince(startTime)) seconds") return result }

Attached macros offer fine-grained control over specific code elements, making them particularly useful for scenarios where you want to extend or modify the behavior of individual functions or properties.

4. How Macros Work in Swift

Swift macros work by enabling code transformations that occur at compile-time, rather than at runtime. When you define a macro, you're essentially instructing the Swift compiler to perform certain transformations before the code is executed. These transformations are based on the logic of the macro, which can include actions such as:

  • Code Generation: Macros can generate code based on the input they receive. This is particularly useful for generating repetitive code patterns or for tasks that need to be performed in multiple places in the codebase.

  • Code Modifications: Macros can modify existing code declarations, such as properties, methods, or types, by adding new functionality or altering their behavior.

  • Abstraction: Macros help abstract repetitive code patterns or boilerplate logic, reducing the overall size and complexity of the codebase.

5. Syntax and Structure of Macros in Swift

Macros in Swift follow a distinct syntax and structure. Here’s a breakdown of the basic syntax used for both freestanding and attached macros:

a. Freestanding Macro Syntax

Freestanding macros are defined with the #macro keyword followed by the macro name and the body of the macro.

#macro macroName(_ parameters: Type) { // Macro body // Transformation logic }

b. Attached Macro Syntax

Attached macros are defined in a similar way but are applied to specific declarations. The syntax for attached macros begins with the #macro keyword and is followed by the @ symbol, indicating that it is an attached macro.

#macro @macroName { // Macro logic for modification }

6. Practical Considerations

While macros offer great flexibility and potential, they should be used thoughtfully and with care. Overusing macros can lead to code that’s hard to maintain, debug, and understand, especially when the transformations become complex.

a. Code Readability

One of the potential downsides of macros is that they can obscure the intent of the code. Since macros are applied at compile-time, their transformations are not visible in the runtime execution of the code. Developers unfamiliar with a codebase might find it difficult to understand what a particular macro does, which could lead to confusion.

b. Debugging and Maintenance

When debugging code with macros, it’s important to remember that the transformations performed by macros are invisible during runtime. This means that debugging tools might not show the actual code that was generated by the macro, making it harder to trace bugs.

c. Performance Considerations

Since macros operate at compile-time, they do not directly impact runtime performance. However, excessive use of macros or overly complex transformations can slow down the compilation process. It’s essential to strike a balance between leveraging the power of macros and maintaining fast compile times.


Swift macros, both freestanding and attached, provide a powerful way to enhance code reuse, reduce boilerplate, and automate code generation or transformations at compile-time. Freestanding macros allow for reusable, independent pieces of logic, while attached macros enable fine-grained control over specific code declarations. Together, these two forms of macros give developers the ability to write more expressive, concise, and maintainable code.

However, as with any powerful feature, macros should be used thoughtfully. Care should be taken to ensure they do not compromise code readability, maintainability, or debugging ease. When used effectively, Swift macros can drastically improve the development process and help create efficient, automated code patterns.

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